St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

Summer Socials Continue!

Dinner at the Dini's with Charley Haupt, Linda Harris, Don Harris, Nancy Dini, Jan Haupt, Anne and Robert Herold, with Bob Dini behind the camera!
Dinner at the Dini’s with Charley Haupt, Linda Harris, Don Harris, Nancy Dini, Jan Haupt, Anne and Robert Herold, with Bob Dini behind the camera!

All Summer Long!
Send your Social Photos!

Brunch at the Hennacy Home with Beverly Brown, Natalia Huryn, Jim Longthorne, Julie and John Quinn, Anne Sirimane, Patty and Brad Thurlow, and hosts Marguerite and Hal Hennacy
Brunch at the Hennacy Home with Beverly Brown, Natalia Huryn, Jim Longthorne, Julie and John Quinn, Anne Sirimane, Patty and Brad Thurlow, and hosts Marguerite and Hal Hennacy

If you would like to participate or host an event, please contact Nancy Dini, Summer Social Chair.