St Edmund's Episcopal Church San Marino

Liturgy & Music | the Fourth Sunday in Lent

The Fourth Sunday in Lent
March 15th, 2015
Preacher: GFW+


Prelude: “Bryn Calfaria” – Ralph Vaughan Williams
Processional #409 “The Spacious Firmament”
Gradual #377 “All People That On The Earth Do Dwell”
Offertory: “God So Loved The World” – Carl Nygard
God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.
For God send not His Son into the world to condemn the world,
But that the world might be saved
Agnus Dei
Communion Music “Rosymedre” – Ralph Vaughan Williams
Communion Hymn #440 “I Blessed Jesus At Thy Word”
Recessional #608  “Eternal Father Strong To Save”
Postlude “Chorale Recessional”  -Paul Bryan